John Kubicki

John Kubicki is a dedicated transportation professional involved in numerous projects across the United States. His experience ranges from research, planning, and design to producing construction documents and managing facility operations. This gives him a unique and comprehensive understanding of the multimodal strategies that work in each specific area and circumstance. In turn, John develops Safety Action Plans, Master Planning, Complete Streets, and Safety Streets and Roads for All policies in a practical and fiscally sustainable manner with local community buy-in. For the last nine years, John has served on assignment for FDOT District One’s safety department, originally serving as the D1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Specialist and transitioning into the role of D1 Safety Work Program Manager. This entails developing future safety projects, managing D1’s Safe Routes to School program, and working closely with local agencies to create their community vision – all while ensuring the success of the safety department.


Innovations in Safety