Dennis Golabek

Dennis Golabek, PE, is a Senior Technical Principal with WSP and his current assignment is working with the FDOT Structures Design Office in Tallahassee. He has been in the bridge profession for 35 years and has worked for consulting firms and the FDOT. His experience includes the analysis, design and review of steel and concrete bridges with an emphasis in skewed and horizontally curved steel girder bridges. He is a former member of TRB AKB20 Steel Bridges committee, AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration, and AASHTO CBS Technical Committees. He has also been involved in numerous research projects involving specialized skills in finite element analysis and innovative material usage. He received his BSCE and ME in structural engineering from the University of South Florida.


New Steel Design Criteria - (6/24)
New Steel Design Criteria - (11/24)