FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures – 10-year update, Lessons Learned, and Emerging Best Practices - (11/24)

11/7/2024 - 2:00pm-2:50pm

FDOT introduced guidance for the implementation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete (FRP-RC & FRP-PC) at the 2014 Design Training Expo. We highlighted the planned release of Standard Specifications, Structures and Materials Manuals updates, and the early design work for the seminal demonstration project - Halls River Bridge. Reflecting on 10 years of implementation and the evolution of design guidance, standard specifications and plans, many projects have now been successful completed and continue to be monitored with the goal of improving the state-of-the-practice. This presentation will highlight some of the improvements in FRP-RC and FRP-PC design practice, materials and testing, and show case representative projects with the lessons learned during design and construction. We will conclude with some of the latest research and planned improvements future implementation.


Hamed Kazimi
Steve Nolan

