FDOT Wildlife Crossing Design and Lessons Learned

11/8/2024 - 9:00am-9:50am

Wildlife crossings have proven to be the only effective tool at both reducing wildlife vehicle collisions (WVCs) and improving wildlife connectivity. With the legislature’s unanimous support for the Florida Wildlife Corridor Act in 2021 and further dedication of $100 million toward the Florida Wildlife Corridor in the 2024 Focus on Florida’s Future budget, it’s clear that Floridians strongly support the idea of a connected wildlife corridor. However, many of FDOT’s roadways cross the Florida Wildlife Corridor which fragments the Corridor, but also provides an opportunity for improvements. This presentation will delve into the engineering designs of recent projects and efforts to improve wildlife connectivity within southwest Florida. Learn about the variety of tools and data FDOT uses to make sound decisions on where to locate wildlife crossings and the design of the size and type of crossing.


Brent Setchell
Nicole Monies
