June 19-20, 2025 in Hollywood, Florida
Make your plans today to join Central Office, Districts 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and Turnpike at the 2025 Transportation Symposium on June 19th (8:00am - 5:00pm) and 20th (8:00am - 12:00pm) in Hollywood.
This is a *FREE* training event that will offer CEC/PDH credits.
Interested in presenting a topic?
Topics will be considered from any of our many transportation subject areas...Planning through Mainentance and everything in between.
Potential presentions could cover things like new technologies, project case studies, challenges w/ innovative project solutions, lessons learned and best practices...
just to name a few, and regional topics are encouraged.
Please submit your topic proposals by Monday, March 17, 2025: Topic Submittal
Registration will open in mid April once the agenda is completed, so check back here for updates.